Thursday, September 29, 2016

The new lawsuit that will escalate Exxon’s climate change troubles


Exxon’s climate change-related legal problems are growing by the day. 

In addition to investigations by several state attorneys general and a separate inquiry on the part of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a new lawsuit filed in federal court on Thursday by a Massachusetts-based environmental group alleges the oil and gas giant has failed to take climate science research (including its own data) into account in operating an oil facility in the Boston area. 

The suit, filed by the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), is significant because it is the first to allege that a private company is violating the Clean Water Act and hazardous waste laws by failing to adequately prepare for climate change impacts such as sea level rise and stormwater runoff from increased instances of heavy rainfall events.  Read more…

More about Science, Environment, Massachusetts, Boston, and Hurricane

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